English translation rights of 'The Jewish Nursery School' sold to Bookouture
Translation rights of The Jewish Nursery School (De crèche) by Elle van Rijn have now been sold to the United Kingdom (Bookouture). Earlier, translation rights have been sold to France, Portugal, Italy, Romania and Czech Republic.  

English translation rights of 'The Jewish Nursery School' sold to Bookouture

Published on 14 September, 2021 at 2:44 pm, updated on 12 October, 2021 at 10:18 am

About The Jewish Nursery School
The book is based on the story of Betty Oudkerk who, with other caretakers of the Jewish Nursery School, saved about six hundred children. Amsterdam, 1942-1943. Opposite the Hollandsche Schouwburg the Jewish Nursery School is located, which has been transformed by the Germans into an assembly point for Jewish children awaiting transportation. Seventeen-year-old Betty Oudkerk and other caretakers of the nursery refuse to accept the children’s horrible fate, while outside the nursery life for Jews becomes more frightening with every passing day. In utmost secrecy, and under the direction of Henriëtte Pimentel, head of the nursery, they manage to prevent the deportation of over 600 children, despite the risks for all involved. The Jewish Nursery School is a story of resistance by young women who, under dire circumstances, must make life-and-death decisions. Courageous women with a profound belief in a better future – because saving a child means saving the world. 

Auteur: Elle van Rijn

Elle van Rijn (1967) is auteur van vele succesvolle boeken, waar­onder de historische romans De crèche en Terug naar Insulinde, en de bestsellers Vier wandelaars en een Siciliaan en Een familie en een Griekse god. Samen met Lotta Magnusson en Jacqueline Rogers bedacht ze de nieuwe historische romanserie Het laatste weeshuis, waarvan het eerste deel, Vos, werd geschreven door Elle van Rijn.

Elle van Rijn - De crèche
Elle van Rijn

Aangrijpende historische roman over een kinderverzorgster in de Joodse Crèche

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